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Motor skills and DCD in the classroom

Motor skills and DCD in the classroom






This webinar will discuss the impacts that Dyspraxia/DCD can have on motor skills and the performance of day to day tasks. This webinar will look at how to identify these areas as well as strategies to support the development of these skills

  • Participants will have a greater understanding of the physical impacts Dyspraxia/DCD may have on children’s school and occupational performance
  • Participants will have developed strategies to inclusively and practically meet the gross motor needs of children in the school setting.
  • Participants will have a knowledge of a number of brain and movement breaks to help meet the sensory needs of the children they are working with.

Presenter - Stephen Hodnett

Stephen is a qualified occupational therapist and primary school teacher with over 10 years’ experience in the classroom, working in both mainstream and SEN settings. Stephen has worked with Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland and their members in recent times, including the development of the ‘Our say in our schools’ resource for schools by children with Dyspraxia/DCD.

Course Properties

Course Date 04-11-2024 5:30 pm
Course End Date 04-11-2024 6:30 pm
Capacity Book now
Individual Price Free
Speaker Stephen Hodnett
Select Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, Post Primary, SNA CPD Courses

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