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Leaving Certificate Geography Field Trip - Rivers

Leaving Certificate Geography Field Trip - Rivers






This webinar explores ideas and strategies for the investigation and presentation of the river/fluvial geography field trip for 2025. The webinar will also look at tying aims, gathering, results and conclusions together through examining the geographical investigation brief, while also focusing on effective versus ineffective write-up strategies for students.' 

Learning Outcomes:

- Developing suitable project aims

- Linking planning activity to specific aims 

- Identifying actions for the gathering of data

- Exploring a range of methods for presentation of results and linked conclusions 


Michael Organ is a Geography teacher with over 16 years teaching experience. He is author of the Leaving Certificate textbook 'Earth' and is also an author of Leaving Certificate mock papers. He is an AP1 post holder in charge of SSE, and Head of Geography in his school for the past 14 years.

Course Properties

Course Date 20-11-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 20-11-2024 8:30 pm
Capacity Book now
Individual Price Free
Speaker Michael Organ
Select Hours 1.5
Location Online
Categories Post Primary

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