Inspiring Ireland Series - Interview with Mary Harney

Limerick Education Support Centre & Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames, PhD, are delighted to announce that former Tanáiste & Minister Mary Harney is the next exciting guest in the #InspiringIreland, #InspiringStudents’ series.
Register your classes today to hear her story on Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 11.30am-12noon!
And what a story of inspiration, motivation and courage she has to share with our teachers, children and young people!
The youngest Senator to be ever appointed to Seanad Éireann at the age of 24, Mary Harney went on to hold several Ministerial positions in Government for 18 years, including Health, Environmental Protection, Industry and Research & Innovation.
Uniquely, as Tanáiste (Deputy Prime Minister) for 10 years, she was the first woman to ever occupy this role in Irish politics.
She was also the first woman to be leader of a political party. During her time as Minister, she set up Science Foundation Ireland as the first major public programme of investment in basic research.
For seven years she was responsible for industrial policy and the development of investment in Ireland.
As Minister for Health, she led a major reform of cancer care in Ireland, focusing firstly on breast cancer. She retired from politics in 2011 and is now a business consultant.
Mary was appointed Chancellor of the University of Limerick (UL) in 2018.
Originally from Galway, she is an economics and social studies graduate of Trinity College, Dublin.
Course Properties
Course Date | 24-10-2023 11:30 am |
Course End Date | 24-10-2023 12:00 pm |
Capacity | Book now |
Individual Price | Free |
Speaker | Mary Harney & Fidelma Healy Eames |
Select Hours | 1 |
Location | Online |
Categories | Primary, Post Primary |